​About the JNNR

The Journal of Neurophysiology and Neuroscience reports (JNNR) is an international peer-reviewed quarterly published by Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences (THUMS) and covers a wide variety of subjects in both basic and clinical neuroscience. These generally include, but are not necessarily limited to cellular and molecular studies, behavioral assessments and cognitive-computational approaches. The JNNR publishes full-length research articles, reviews, short communications, case reports and methodological innovations. Submitted manuscripts should meet our standards for writing, experimental designs, rigor, statistical analysis, ethics etc. The JNNR tries to establish a rapid and precise peer-review process for publication of high quality works. Our aim is to expand and strengthen regional, national and international collaborative interactions in neuroscience-related fields among researchers and to this end, we kindly encourage the authors to join this attempt by considering the JNNR for publication of their scientific achievements. We would be also pleased to have your valuable comments, remarks and suggestions in this regard.

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